Wholesale business is now easier

It is the easiest and fastest way to purchase food products for your store at the best prices from many suppliers and at wholesale prices in one place with ease of browsing, comparing and ordering products easily and safely.

Many options in one place

We provide you with unlimited options of products, all you have to do is browse and get what you want

Your first source

More than 30,000 products in one app from various brands and from different wholesale suppliers at the best prices

Order as you need

We supply you with the quantity of products that suit you and replenish your stock within 48 hours, so you can benefit from your space and increase your sales.

Pay the way that suits you

We provide you with various and flexible payment methods: cash upon receipt, or online (mada card).

Super smooth user interface

We provide you with an exceptional user experience

Moazaa Advantages

The Merchant

Start your digital transformation journey with electronic selling easily and effectively using the “Moazaa” application on your mobile phone.
Enjoy the possibility of ordering around the clock.
Avoid the challenges of representatives and cash collection while facilitating automatic and safe payment and collection processes.

The Supplier

A ” Moazaa ” saves the effort of finding the right buyer through a quick sale opportunity.
Benefit from expanding your sales coverage and reaching new customers from around the Kingdom.

Download the application

Download the application now from the Google Store and Apple Store platforms

Be Moazaa

Join now as a “Moazaa” and become a supplier and expand your sales coverage, and we will respond to your message within 24 hours.

Mobile Number




Mnadib application

We present a part of the application related to delegates

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